1. Questions about EYE DISCOMFORT
A. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes
feel discomfort?
1. Questions about EYE DISCOMFORT
A. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes
feel discomfort?
1. Questions about EYE DISCOMFORT
B. When you experienced ocular discomfort, how intense was this feeling
of disconfort at the end of the day? (a few hours before going to sleep)
2. Questions about DRY EYE
A. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes
feel dry?
2. Questions about DRY EYE
B. When your eyes felt dry, how intense was this feeling of dryness
at the end of the day? (a few hours before going to sleep)
Questions about WATERY EYE
A. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes
feel excessively watery?
According to your answers, the system has detected that you have some symptoms of Dry Eye Sindrome.
We advise to monitor your condition, and discuss with an expert how to treat Dry Eye.
It is important to start managing Dry Eye in the early stages, as it is a chronic condition that tends to degenerate in time.
If you are already undergoing treatment for Dry Eye Sindrome, we advise you to continue the treatment and check with your doctor about your improvement.
If you would like to find a Dry Eye specialist near you, please select the button below.
According to your answers, the system has detected that you have clear symptoms of Dry Eye Sindrome.
We advise to discuss your condition with an expert and start treatment to manage the disease.
It is important to treat Dry Eye, as it is a chronic condition that tends to degenerate in time, and may cause other problems of the vision as its severity increases.
If you are already undergoing treatment for Dry Eye Sindrome, we advise you to continue the treatment and check with your doctor about your improvement.
If you would like to find a Dry Eye specialist near you, please select the button below.
According to your answers, the system has detected that you have severe symptoms of dry eye syndrome.
We advise you to ask your specialist about this condition and how to treat it.
If you are already undergoing treatment for dry eye syndrome, we advise you to continue the treatment and check with your doctor about your improvement.
If you would like to find a dry eye specialist near you, please select the button below.