Dry Eye Follow-up
We announce the new App that provides aid
for dry eye. The App allows a simple, fast
and direct communication between patient
and doctor.

Find your doctor
Why should you choose our App?
Exams: all exams results and analysis are automatically imported on
your smartphone each time.
Treatments: MDs can directly share on patient's smartphone the
treatment approach designed specifically for him.
Contact me: possibility to contact the practitioner also leaving notes.
Periodic check: a periodic weekly questionnaire for the patient can
share with the MDs the results of the weekly questionnaire and his feedback
to undersand if and how the treatment is solving the pathology. And if necessary
is possible to book a new visit in the clinic if symptoms are increasing.
Reminder: set on your smartphone reminders and pop ups to never
forget your medication. For each treatment in relation of the MD suggestion,
the users can set on their own calendars the treatment approach.
DEQ5: the Dry Eye Questionnaire (DEQ) diagnose dry eye disease and
quantify its severity level. This questionnaire measures several
symptoms using four variables: degree of irritation, frequency, intensity
in the morning, and intensity later in the day.
Setup: fully customizable system with online privacy and and privacy
protection. The application guarantees the protection of personal data
every time they are used helps fully automated system, very simple to
Privacy: all information respects the privacy of each subject.
Helps: some handy information to make the most of the application.